Monday, June 29, 2015

House moving prep

These are the beams the house mover uses to brace and then move the house.
These are the beams the house mover uses to brace and then move the house.
This was our garage.  Now with those beams in it.
This is what we came home to after work last week.  Our office moved out and 2 large beams through the walls!
And the mess begins!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What is a Timber Frame house?

These are examples of a Timber Frame houses.  It's not exactly what ours will look like.  Just an example since many people ask us what is a Timber Frame house anyway?!

Garage interior torn out

Today Sam, our nephew, and his friend Teddy helped Mark tear down the inside of the garage/laundry room.

All this insulation was in the ceiling!
The laundry room is still standing behind Mark in this pic.
This is at the end of the day.  The pile of metal on the floor was our garage door!  Later this week they'll finish taking down the roof and walls.  Mark's taking the house down slowly to re-purpose as much material as possible.  Sam will take the garage material and maybe even the entire house!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

First bent near completion

Our timber frame house will be made of five bents. These pictures are of one bent. It will be stood up with the point at the top which will support the roof. The timbers will be on the inside of the house so we'll be able to see them. The walls will be framed around the outside of the timbers.